Frequently Asked Questions: |
How do we reset our PBXMonitor root password? / Forgot Password? For security reasons, There is no automatic Password Reset system, You must contact support to have your root password reset, We cannot recover the old password, We can only change it. Request Password Reset |
What IP Address does PBXMonitor connect from? / What IP do we need to whitelist for PBXMonitor to work? The Gateway IP used for your PBXMonitor Instance is ***.***.***.*** which is a shared exit gateway, However your instance is running within a walled garden network topology and all inbound access passes through a WAF(Web Application Firewall), Then our CDN, And finally our inbound core firewall. We take our security and yours very seriously! |
How does PBXMonitor communicate with 3CX? PBXMonitor uses 3CX's own hidden APIs to interface directly over TCP using TLS 1.2+ encrypted connections on the Management Console Port(usually 5001). |
CPU Utilization / What impact to 3CX does PBXMonitor Have? PBXMonitor uses 3CX's own APIs for its functionality, because of this the CPU load caused by PBXMonitor is very minor, and is actually slightly lower than if you were to login to the 3CX Server Directly, as PBXMonitor does not need to load the stylesheets, images, and js files from 3CX, it only communicates with the APIs. |
What versions or architectures of 3CX does PBXMonitor Support PBXMonitor supports both Windows and Linux 3CX Servers of version 15.5 SP6 and higher. PBXMonitor has some support for 3CX 15.5 SP5 however not all features work properly. |
Why doesnt my 3CX Server connect? / Server Offline / Cannot Connect 1. Check the credentials, FQDN, and port you have added the server with. 2. Make sure ***.***.***.*** is not blacklisted and whitelist it. This is our default gateway for Checkins. 3. If you have management console access restricted by IP, Add our default gateway ip to that list. 4. On a few past occasions, our gateway has become blocked on the 3CX global list due to clients adding numerous servers rapidly with incorrect details, causing them to blacklist us repeatedly and trigger a global block, we make periodic contact with 3CX Support to ensure we are not listed but if you suspect this might be the case, turn off the 3CX global blacklist option, if this corrects the issue, please report it to us immediately so we can contact 3CX. |
2FA / Additional Security Precautions? While we do not currently support a 2FA System such as Google Authenticator, we can lock down your PBXMonitor Instance such that only IP Addresses you specify can login. Simply compile a list of allowed IPs and send it to us and we can enable this feature. Request IP Access Restrictions Change |
Change Timezone? / Time and Date is not correct in PBXMonitor? To request a System Timezone change for your PBXMonitor Instance, Send us the proper entry from this list: Timezones Request Timezone Change |
I see alerts because of offline extensions, but these are app/other extensions that are not always online? / Extension Offset The Extension Offset feature can be used to change the number of offline extensions it takes to cause a yellow or red alert on the dashboard. Example: You have 50 total extensions, but 25 of them are people who travel and use the Mobile/PC app, and are not always online. Solution: You can adjust the system to ignore these 25 Mobile users extensions for alerting purposes by setting the Extension Offset to 25. Note: After entering a number into the Extension Offset field, simply hit enter to save the seeting as there is no save/apply button. |